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Looking for Speakers – Research for Enterprises

From: Andi G.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 8, 2018, 2:50 PM

Hi everyone,

I'm creating an event  "User Research Practices for Enterprises" for SF Design Week.  It will take place in between June 7 – 14, based on availability.

I'm looking for User Researchers who work in enterprise companies to give a talk or participate in a panel discussion about methods of research, decision making, types of projects, goals, and metrics, and best practices. 

Send me an email at [address removed] if

1.  You want to speak on a panel or give a talk about enterprise user research


2.  You'd like to host the event at your office.
We are looking for a company to host and sponsor the event.
Requirements:  Your space must accommodate at least 125 guests seated.  Ideally, you will cater food and beverages.  We'll handle check-ins and registration.

Looking forward to hearing from you.




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