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What we’re about

Group Coaching and Therapy:

-> Enhanced Integration and Processing: The group setting fosters a supportive environment that can have a more significant impact than individual therapy for some. We engage in acting out scenarios that mirror your real-life challenges and situations. Together, we explore them, with you and the group defining the goals and areas you wish to work on. Specifically, this could facilitate better integration of the therapeutic process and insights than simply discussing them.

-> Community Connection: Frequently, the group forms unique bonds and evolves into a community that mutually supports and uplifts its members, enhancing the therapeutic effects of the group.

->Safety in Vulnerability: While group settings may initially feel exposing, we are committed to providing you with resources to feel secure and supported. We adopt a step-by-step, slow, and safe approach. For some, the setup of group therapy may seem unusual, as being vulnerable with "strangers" is not a common occurrence in everyday life. The facilitator´s training in supporting individuals in vulnerability and group support might mean we are well prepared for the challenge.

About the Facilitator
I am trained in coaching, group therapy, utilizing a blend of techniques in my work with the group. I am currently completing my European Certificate in Psychotherapy, specializing in the Psychodrama approach (typically min. 4 years of training).

Feel free to reach out to me at for more information while my website is under construction—or, better said, while I procrastinate on updating it. 🙂

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