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What we’re about

🌟 Founded in NYC in 2013, now slowly getting off the ground in London.

For more insight into the group format and meeting structure, check out our NYC meetup:

☕Current Events Coffee is a community for people who like to think about what's going on in politics, foreign affairs, the economy, etc. and discuss how these things reflect broader trends and impact our daily lives.

Every ~month we discuss a handful of topics that have been in the headlines. These are selected and announced before the meeting. Come informed and ready to contribute - or, if you've missed out on what's going on, come ready to listen and think critically. The goal? To leave with fresh info and new perspectives.

We all bring something different to the table when we read the news, and it's great to get a chance to discuss. We'd love to have you!

Format/what to expect: we sit around a table and talk - that's really it. Attendance is capped at 14, and we do some light moderation to keep us on-topic and make sure nuanced views/perspectives can be heard, explored, and understood.