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What we’re about

This is a meetup group for senior marketing professionals in Newcastle and the Hunter who are wanting to meet locally to share their experiences as marketers. You’ll get the most out of this group if you are looking to network and learn from other senior marketing professionals.

Meetups include guest speakers, panel discussions, workshops, and roundtables. We meet bi-monthly in a social setting to share ideas and discuss best practice, new trends, our challenges, and developments in marketing. We are a diverse group of strategic and creative thinkers from a broad cross-section of industries. As senior marketers, leadership and team management is a common topic, as well as marketing strategy and execution across local and global markets. We also enjoy fun nights out where we can network and experience the best of Newcastle and the Hunter.

The group name was chosen as a ‘debrief’ or post-mortem is a tool that senior marketers utilise post campaign to help understand what went well, what worked, what didn’t and why. Even though a debrief is used in many different industries, its universal meaning is to gain valuable information about a project or activity after it’s been completed.

We offer a friendly space to converse with peers. We want to inspire everyone at our meetups by showcasing the world class talent and marketing coming out of our region. We aim to secure speakers who are marketing department leads from some of the region’s most successful organisations and beyond. They will be sharing their high-value learnings with our independent group of senior marketing professionals.