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What we’re about

Who doesn't love a good road trip? Living in Brisbane, we are spoilt with an endless list of beautiful road trip destinations: Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Byron Bay, Stradbroke Island, Moreton Island, the SC/GC hinterlands. We travel by bus or carpool, which is sustainable, eco-friendly and cost-effective.

Most events will feature a yoga class in nature at a beautiful destination, led by certified yoga teacher Roxy Alcorn. Inhale fresh air, exhale stress and move to peaceful yogic tunes, surrounded by beautiful scenery - the perfect way to unwind and recharge on the weekend! Classes are friendly and welcoming, open to all levels (including total newbies) and we'll even supply mats!

There will be plenty of unscheduled time on our trips for exploring, lazing on the beach, and cooling off in the water. We will have the option of lunch together at a local cafe for lunch, but people are also welcome to do their own thing. Occasionally we will stay a night at a destination like Byron Bay. It's the perfect time of year to escape the city, so come on an adventure with us!

Why Eco? We live in a consumerist culture and spend so much of our time passively indulging our senses via products and entertainment, often to the detriment of our health, our relationships and the environment. Through these events, we want to promote re-connecting to nature, making friends with like-minded people, traveling in an eco-friendly manner, and enjoying sustainable and healthful practices like yoga. The word 'Yoga' means to connect: to ourselves, to others and to our environment.

Please note: Harassment, flakiness and other social misdemeanours are not tolerated in this group.

Follow on insta: roxyalcorn