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Tonight's MeetUp - PLAN B: February 26// The Great Library of Alexandria : All the Knowledge of the World

From: Athan M.
Sent on: Thursday, February 26, 2015, 3:11 PM
Παιδια - I've been out of town this week and the snow has snarled up my travel plans so I will miss, and therefore cancel, tonight's MeetUp.  We had one RSVP, but if others WERE planning to go who had not RSVPed please 'reply all' as soon as possible and y'all can still meet up.

One reason this month's MeetUp was light on RSVPs is the competing lecture on 'The Great Library of Alexandria' a lecture I initially thought was on Tuesday night, Feb. 24th.  That lecture (info below) is a fitting plan B to our MeetUp.

Finally, I will also be out of town the last Thursday of March, also the 26th, so will probably move our Greek Independence Day MeetUp to Tuesday, March 24th, at Yamas.  I'll post that info this weekend.

Τα λεμε! - Athan

Athan Manuel
Washington, DC
Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: SPGH <[address removed]>
Date: February 20, 2015 at 1:15:11 PM EST
To: Spgh Spgh <[address removed]>
Subject: REMINDER//February 26// The Great Library of Alexandria : All the Knowledge of the World, a lecture with Mary-Jane Deeb
Reply-To: SPGH <[address removed]>


The Society for the Preservation of the Greek Heritage
Invites you to attend the lecture 
"The Great Library of Alexandria : All the Knowledge of the World"

by Mary-Jane Deeb,
Chief of the African and Middle Eastern Division at the Library of Congress 

Thursday, February 26 2015 at 6.30pm
Venue: Squire Patton Boggs, 2550 M Street, NW
 Washington, DC 20037

Metro: Foggy Bottom
Street parking available on M Street and Pennsylvania Avenue
Click HERE to RSVP 
or call : [masked]

 Inline image


*   *   *

Mary-Jane Deeb joined the Library of Congress in 1998, and became Chief of its African and Middle Eastern Division in 2005.Among her many activities there she led a Library of Congress mission to Baghdad in November 2003 to assist with the reconstruction of the National Library of Iraq; and in 2004 she was part of the Librarian of Congress team that visited Iran. Before joining the Library of Congress she was the Editor of The Middle East Journal, and Director of the Omani Program at The American University in Washington D.C. She has also taught at Georgetown University and at George Washington University. She received her Ph.D. in International Relations from the School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University in 1987. Deeb is the author of Libya's Foreign Policy in North Africa, and co-author with M.K. Deeb of Libya Since the Revolution: Aspects of Social and Political Development. She has also written over one hundred and fifty articles, book chapters, and book reviews, for numerous publications including Current History, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Muslim World, Mediterranean Quarterly, The Library of Congress Information Bulletin, and in a number of encyclopedias such as Encyclopedia Britannica, and Encyclopedia Americana. Deeb worked for the United Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia, UNICEF, AMIDEAST and the US Agency for International Development in Beirut. She is a frequent media commentator and has appeared on the Lehrer News Hour, John McLaughlin's One on One, CNN, ABC World News and CBS Evening News, and been quoted by The New York Times, The Washington Post, Time Magazine, The Christian Science Monitor, The Los Angeles Times, and others. She is listed in the Marquis' Who's Who in America since 1997. She also writes mystery books, including Cocktails and Murder on the Potomac (2000), Murder on the Riviera (2004), A Christmas Mystery in Provence (2004), and Death of a Harlequin (2012). 

Society for the Preservation of the Greek Heritage
P.O. Box 53341 Washington, DC 20009
[address removed]

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