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Looking for title of book on early and later Christian views on hell

From: Eric C.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 4, 2016, 9:51 AM
When I was in college (in the 1990s) I seem to remember coming across a book saying that the doctrine of hell wasn't in the New Testament originally. I thought this book was called _The Decline of Hell_. Of course, being the procrastinator that I am, I never got around to reading it.

All these years later, I'm not sure how much of this memory is even accurate. I've since found a book with the title _The Decline of Hell_, but it's about dialog that occurred in the 17th Century on the subject, and as far as I can see doesn't say that anything about hell being inserted into the Bible in the early Common Era. It's possible I saw that book and totally misinterpreted what its dust jacket blurb said, while remembering its title.

Still, I'm wondering if anyone out there knows of a book that does speak to the question of whether hell was originally in the NT or not, preferably from the viewpoint of it being a later addition. I'm not necessarily looking for a work from a totally agnostic/atheist/non-Christian perspective, but it would more likely than not fall into that category, I think.


(cross-posted to Secular Junction)

        Eric Christopherson