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What we’re about

This group is for anyone wanting to learn and apply an incredibly powerful self-help tool that once you know how to do it can be used any time you are feeling stressed, nervous or anxious.

A technique(s) that can unblock unconscious, self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours.

In a supportive, safe and confidential environment, you will learn how to use and apply EFT. We will look at shared issues that we all experience at times in our lives which can be anything from all the time, to once a day, once a week, to every now and again. But, what ever the issue, when ever the issue or emotion is experienced or felt EFT is something you can use to help manage and, even eliminate, those negative emotions, behaviours and experiences.

Can you imagine your life without feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed? What a life! This could be just what you are looking for.