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What we’re about

A group for Python ladies and non-binary people of all levels of programming experience, in the NYC metro area.  **Trans women welcome.** 
Pyladies is an international mentorship group with a focus on helping more women become active participants and leaders in the Python open-source community. Our mission is to promote, educate and advance a diverse Python community through outreach, education, conferences, events and social gatherings.

PyLadies also aims to provide a friendly support network for women and a bridge to the larger Python world. 
Code of Conduct
Please note that the goal of PyLadies is to provide a welcoming space for women and gender minorities interested in Python so more URGs (under-represented groups) are participating in the greater Python community.  It should *not* be perceived as a group for romantic pursuits.  

Job postings, discussions & community events can be shared here (opt-in for emails): [](

Slack: [](
Twitter: [](
GitHub:  [](
Website: [](