What we’re about
The purpose of these Lighting Workshops is to provide hands on instruction in Fashion and Classical Portrait Lighting, as applies to photographers and painters desiring to learn sound principles and techniques of photographic lighting.
In these workshops you will learn classical and fashion portrait lighting styles and how to create them with natural available light, small shoe mount strobe units and studio lighting gear.
In our eleventh year with Meetup, more that 700 students of lighting have joined our workshop events. Not limited to digital, we also specialize in film based photographic lighting techniques. While they are very similar, certain film cameras have higher flash sync speeds than digital. We also provide in-depth information on outdoor and in studio flash settings and provide talented fashion and portrait models to work with.
"Creative OCF Lighting Techniques for Photographers", 164 page full color lighting manual:
In my 45 plus years of teaching photographic lighting, I discovered through the multitude of workshops I both attended and taught, that the retention rate from workshops was about 10%. For this reason, I decided to write and publish a book on photographic lighting. Thus allowing my students to have a companion lighting guide for reference, study and exploration.
I look forward to seeing you at my next lighting workshop! David Lloyd, CPP