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Bride in the Woods Lighting Workshop

From: David L.
Sent on: Friday, August 23, 2013, 3:43 PM

Hello Members of Photographic Lighting Workshops, 

We have three lovely and fabulous models, two wedding dresses and a red evening gown to place in the rustic and natural setting of the Mogollon Rim with twisted pines and jutting rocks and it looks like we will have a wonderful sky full of majestic clouds.

So, if you have an inkling to join us in Payson for this creative day of Photography and Lighting, here are the directions and info about Saturday's Lighting Workshop, August 24, 2013.

Our destination for Saturday, August 24 is Woods Canyon Lake and the Mogollon Rim for the "Bride in the Woods" Lighting Workshop. 

Please feel free to call with any questions: 
[address removed] (480)[masked] 

We will meet at 10:30 am at the junction of Shea Blvd and the Beeline Hwy. 

Bring a lunch and plenty of water and comfortable clothing. 

Rendezvous Point #1 We will meet here at 10:30 am 
Wendy's Junction of Hwy 87 and Shea Blvd 
17218 E Shea Blvd 
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 

From Wendy's we will drive to McDonald's in Payson at the junction of Hwy 87 and Hwy 260, about 62 miles. Drive time approx. 1 hour 

Rendezvous Point #2 Approximate time 11:30 am 
McDonald's Junction of Hwy 87 and Hwy 260 
101 S Beeline Hwy 
Payson, AZ 85541 

From McDonalds we will take Hwy 260 East. 

Caution the small town of Star Valley, about 4 miles along Hwy 260, has a very strict speed limit, so slow down as you drive through. 

Rendezvous Point #3 Approximate time 12 noon. 
Ranger Station at Old Rim Road, right side of road. 
(about 29 miles along Hwy 260 East from rendezvous point #2) 

From the Ranger Station we will drive across Hwy 260 via Forest Service Rd 300/Rim Rd and Forest Service Rd 105/Woods Canyon Rd/Woods Canyon Road · 4.4 mi 
We will take the fork to the left of the main store to a picnic area. Day parking is $5 per car. 

We will eat lunch here and begin our Lighting Workshop. There are Aspen and pine trees, rocks and an open area to explore our lighting and get comfortable with the light and techniques. 

Around 2:30 pm, we will head back along the Forest Service Rd to a look out point at the Rim. There is a very beautiful five mile walk with twisted pines and jutting rock formations that will be the main setting for our Bride in the Woods Workshop. 

As the sun gets lower in the sky around 6pm forward, we will have a beautiful vista and cliffs to photograph into the setting sun and sky. 

We will wrap up around 7:30pm. We can stop to have a bite to eat in Payson or head home as personally desired. 

Let's have a great time and get some great photos. 

Please email or phone me if you have any questions. 


[address removed] (480)[masked]

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