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A friendly Welcome to Photographic Lighting Workshops

From: David L.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 28, 2013, 9:45 PM

Hello Members of Photographic Lighting Workshops,
I am delighted that you are part of our group. I really strive to teach simple to understand lighting principles and I hope you will each be participating in our upcoming workshops.

You would have loved to have been in Payson last Saturday for the "Bride in the Woods" Lighting Workshop. We dodged the rain and enjoyed cool weather and created some beautiful images. You can see some of them as they get posted to the Sat, Aug 24th Workshop and at this link:

Once again, welcome aboard and I look forward to meeting you all very soon.
P.S. I will be presenting my Lighting Techniques Monday evening, September 9th for the Arizona Professional Photographers Assoc Meeting at the Airport Hilton in Tempe, AZ

Address: HILTON PHOENIX AIRPORT HOTEL 2435 S. 47th Street ~ Phoenix, AZ 85034

Here is a link to the program and you and I would like to invite you to attend as my guest.

I hope to see you there. Please RSVP to [address removed] as well as register on the AZPPA website.

Once again, welcome to our group.

Sincerely, David Lloyd, CPP

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