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What we’re about

Practical discussions, tools and tips for accessing the Power Of Now and living in the Present based on the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, and other contemporary nondual oriented teachers. We will integrate Eckhart Tolle Book Club Sharings  in San Francisco & the Bay Area...along with these Live Teacher Events in our schedule

We now have added dimension to this with live teachers, ongoing local gatherings and more that overlap and relate to the teachings of Eckhart Tolle.

You might be amazed to know that there are a plethera of wonderful teachers that we can see in person on a donation basis that are the living realization of Presence and a similar resonance as Eckhart Tolle. I am happy to make you Aware of this phenomena :)

You can find our schedule and details on all our teachers and events at

As Love Always  Cory  See  Newsletter above and go to for more details links to teachers websites and our full schedule