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New Meetup: Shut Up & Write! East Bay - February 8

From: Anne R.
Sent on: Friday, February 5, 2010, 7:43 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Shut Up and Write!!

What: Shut Up & Write! East Bay - February 8

When: Monday, February 8,[masked]:30 PM

The Beanery
2925 College Ave
Berkeley, CA 94705

Join other writers for an hour of focused writing

7:30 PM - Introductions
7:40 - Get down to business
8:40 - Brief Check-in
8:45 - People can continue to work, chat, or take off as they like. The Beanery is open daily from 7 am till 10 pm.

If you're spending too much time THINKING about writing, get on over here and join us for some time of ACTUAL writing. It may just be "pipe-cleaning" for now, but you'll feel better showing up at the page. No one will see what you've written or give you unsolicited advice.

The Beanery is in the Elmwood on College Ave. Parking is on the street; plan for a bit of circling time. They do take credit cards ($5 minimum) and have some form of wi-fi.

Learn more here:

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