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What we’re about

"More Singles Across All Age Groups,Population Figures on Sept 27 2018"

The singles figures are alarming and more help is needed for singles to move out from their comfort zones to meet their Mr/Ms Right by attending events to create interaction and common interests. We will create more interesting platforms from on-line dating to simple dinner to oversea hiking and travelling trips to get to know each other better.  What most people said: Age is just a number as long as we are Young At Heart, there is no barrier as long as we try till we achieve our goals.


✅About Myself:


I have organised travelling and hiking events since 2015 and have helped many singles to find their life time partner. There has been a calling to start a Dating Event many years ago, so I decided to take over "Singapore Singles and Eligibles (age 35-55) meetup group" since the organizer has left the group. I am married since 2018 and both my wife and I have the passion to help more singles to find their life partner.

I am the owner and event organizer of Let's Go Travelling & Hiking Meetup Group under TA:3066 and the events are held weekly and membership up to date is about 6000 members. Please join us and RSVP for our future events too.


✅Immediate Plans:


Due to Covid 19 virus spread, most people have to Stay Home Notice(SHN) till 1 June 2020 and no social meeting is permitted. We will create some on-line dating zoom meetings from May 2020 onward.


✅Events Opportunities to Meet/Search or Bump Into your other half. 


Our events enable you opportunities to Meet, Search or Bump Into your other half. 

We strive hard to provide our members not only ample opportunities to meet, but also important quality time to get to know each other, through proactive arrangements and programs in our events. 

Our events are planned with You in mind...what you like, what you need, what you want, and how to get there. So what are you waiting for? We are ready when you are ready to join us. Give yourself a break, a chance to open up, a chance to be known. 


✅Events Not Open For Married/Attached/"Players"


For those who are currently attached and married; please DO NOT join this group. And for Players, this group is not for you too. We would like to acknowledge and respect each and every member that this group is only for genuine Singles & Eligibles ; of course, divorcees and widowed inclusive! 


Wilfred Wong
