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Happy 500 Celebration! Follow-Up email

From: Shannon D. S.
Sent on: Thursday, July 12, 2012, 6:45 PM

Hello Unstoppable Women!
Special thank you to the women that came to our Happy 500 Celebration. It was wonderful sharing the success of the group with the unstoppable women in our community. I only wish I had taken pictures!! A few women within the community shared some upcoming events that I want to share with all of you:

Mastery for Women What is Mastery for Women? It is a call to action, a movement, a safe place where women can support each other to reach the goals and desires that tug at their hearts and souls.

Mastery for Women is more than just networking - it is a development of self and others; providing a blueprint for making the lives of others better and in the process enriching our own. We have just begun.

Date: Wed., July 18 Time: 6-8:30 PM Location: Tarragon Restaurant, in Sunnyvale Cost: $20

The WOW Conference The WOW Conference is for women seeking holistic health advice. "When women collaborate, connect, and celebrate from their authentic emotional guidance system, a tribe-like community emerges that is safe and supportive." Dr. Leslie Hewitt, chiropractor, speaker, author, aerobics instructor, yoga teacher, founder of the online women of wellness community The WOW Factor, and organizer of the WOW Conference.
Date: Sat. Sept. 8th Time: 9am - 6pm Location: Carr America Convention Center, in Pleasanton Cost: $99
I will be at both events and would love to see you there!


Shannon D. Silva, MBA TV Talk Show Host, Motivational Speaker & Retreat Leader Unstoppable Women in Action
Break free from procrastination and achieve your career dreams!

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