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The future

From: Emma B.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 11, 2014, 11:49 AM

Hi all,

It's been over a year since the last meeting. A few things have changed. One of the main things for me on a personal level is that my company, Mark Boulton Design was acquired by Monotype and I had to stop running Five Simple Steps. So, I now have a new job and a new boss! This has all meant an incredibly difficult and busy 6 months but things are now getting a bit easier.

The result of Mark Boulton Design no longer being a company is that we have lost our main sponsor of UX Bookclub. For the past 4 years, MBD has paid for hosting on the Meetup site - about $70 per year. We have two alternatives - someone else pays for hosting or we look elsewhere for a place to host our page.

This brings me to my next point. I've clearly not been doing a great job of organising and running meetings! Running two businesses and having two children has left me with little spare time if I'm honest. I'd like to make a better job of this or stop doing it so I'd like to know what to do with UX Bookclub. Do we stop? Do we continue and have more regular, scheduled meetings? Do we change the focus?

If we continue, I need some help. If we move to monthly meetings, I can't organise and run a meeting every month. I could however organise and run a meeting once a quarter. Are you willing to help me?

Venue wise, we have a new possibility in the fabulous Founders Hub, so if we decide to continue I will investigate the costs with Craig and Amie Lockwood. I think it would make a great central place to meet. Lastly I propose to change the night we meet to a Tuesday if there is availability at Founders. Thursdays are probably the worst night for me to come to Cardiff hence me never managing to organise anything. Would this suit others?

Please get back to me with thoughts and ideas. This group is the sum of us all and for it to continue I'd appreciate your support and enthusiasm.


Emma Boulton

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