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Our new 'Day Trips from London Meetup Group' (organised by the Friends in London team) - details for those who are interested in joining!

From: Martyn L.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 8, 2013, 7:38 PM

Hi Everyone,

We're just informing Friends in London members of our new and additional meetup group named 'Day Trips from London'. Our first private hire coach trip (to the City of Bath) is now scheduled on this new meetup group for Saturday 8th June. Many Friends in London members have already joined our new group.

If you are interested in attending organised day trips from London, you can join our new meetup group by 'clicking here'. The group is organised by myself (Martyn) and my brother Terry. We are planning day trips every 6-8 weeks to locations such as Brighton, Cambridge, Canterbury, Cheddar Caves, Margate, Oxford, Stonehenge, Stratford upon Avon, Torquay, Wales etc.

Our Day Trips from London will also regularly include guided tours and visits to famous attractions. We'll mainly be travelling by private hire air-conditioned coach or train.

The social part of the day trips is just as important. Therefore we'll also be arranging optional free nights out after our trips when we return to London in the late evening. This will give everyone the chance to continue socialising, discuss your day trip experience and continue making friends over a few drinks.

This new group will not affect our regular running of Friends in London events. However, it's always productive to provide additional options for Meetup members. encourage the running of more than one group. When organisers first pay a subscription for one group, Meetup automatically provide an additional two groups free of charge.

This is a new venture for us, but we'll be bringing with us the same level of enthusiasm and attention to details that we always bring to our events.

kind regards
Martyn and Terry
