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Re: [MelbJVM] JVM experiences on ARM

From: Toby C.
Sent on: Friday, February 14, 2014, 1:21 PM
Curses. Edit: ARMv6 in the Pi. ARMv7 was the type we get in everything else (phones, beaglebone, arduino tre) (apart from the multi-core ARMv9s; radxa, udoo, modern phones)

On 14 February[masked]:19, Toby Wintrmute <[address removed]> wrote:
Quote the opposite.. I think Jazelle was something of a failed initiative by ARM, and it was effectively dropped by the time the ARM v7 in the Raspberry pi came along.

On 14 February[masked]:17, Kon Soulianidis <[address removed]> wrote:
Interesting, so does your run of the mill rasberry pi these days come with an ARM processor with j in its name?

Kon Soulianidis
Sent with Sparrow

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 12:17 pm, Gordon Oliver wrote:

Hi Tony, i’ve been looking at this and this link to java hardware acceleration might be of interest.

I’m not sure how fast Jazelle hardware is, but worth a look.  Unfortunately I think its a licensing adventure.

It seems if you see an Arm core with a “j” in the name, like arm 926ej-s, its supped to have Jazelle support.

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Things fall apart; the center cannot hold
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world

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